Evidence Informed Medicine (EIM) Inc.

                       Clinically Advanced REviews (CARE) 

Evidence Informed Medicine Reviews


Atypical Antipsychotics    

   Asenapine EIM Review (Updated 27Apr 2014)

Pharmacovigilance and Bioequivalence of Long-Acting Products


Mood Stabilizing Agents

   Coming Soon

Optimizing Pain Management

   Lamoure J., Stovel J., Sanghera N. Optimizing Pain Management. Pharmacy Practice 2013 June; 29(3) pp16-20, 27-28 


Previous Reviews/References and Texts


Psychopharmacology "Boot Camp" Essentials Study Guide Review  304 pages April 2013  ISBN 978-1-300-95815-4 

Cognition: The Next Prontier Presentation

Collaborative Patient Centric Care Model (CPCCM)

Citations: Lamoure J., Stovel J., Piamonte M., Benbow S., Singh P., Steenstra J., Singh P., Moore K., Burgess S. The Collaborative Patient/Person-Centric Care Model (CPCCM) Introducing a new paradigm in patient care involving an evidence-informed approach. Canadian Healthcare Network. EPub March 7, 2011. http://www.canadianhealthcarenetwork.ca/ ;

Lamoure J. Collaborative Patient Centered Care Model (CPCCM): Applicability to Bioequivalence. (Oral Presentation and Abstract). Presented at Canadian Pharmacists' Association 99th Annual Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 30,2011;

Lamoure J. Collaborative Patient/Person Centered Care Model (CPCCM)-ADHD in Canada. (Oral Presentation), Charite University/Vivantes Humboldt Psychology Klinikum. Berlin, Germany. September 8,2011

Alcohol Dependence and Management

Citation: Lamoure J., Stovel J. A Pharmacists' Overview of Alcohol Dependence.  Pharmacy Practice 2011; 27(8) CE1-CE10


Critical Appraisal, Guide to Basic Medical Literature Review   138 pages April 2013  ISBN 978-1-300-95688-4  

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Depression, Treatment Resistant

Citations: Lamoure J, Stovel J. Depression: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Pharmacy Practice. 2009; 25 (1): 38-42; Lamoure J. When Should Antidepressants Not be Used for Depression? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(9): 34; Lamoure J, Stovel J, Marchioni D. What Drug Interactions Are Common in Treatment-Resistant Depression? Medscape ATE June 2009 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/703441

Discontinuation Syndrome

Citation: Lamoure J, Stovel J. Abrupt Stop: Managing Discontinuation Syndrome Associated with Psychoactive Medications. Pharmacy Practice. 2010; 26 (5) Sept 2010: 40-47,53

Duloxetine Use in Multiple Sclerosis

Citation: Burgess S, Lamoure J, Stovel J. Mood Elevation and Pain Control with Duloxetine Monotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis. (Poster) Presented at CSHP PPC Toronto, Ontario Canada January 31,2011; Lamoure J, Stovel J. Enhancing Functionality with Duloxetine Monotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis. (Poster) Presented at ECNP 24th Annual Congress. Paris, France. September 5,2011

Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO): Interfacing Psychiatry, Psychology, Pathophysiology, Etiology and Treatment

Citation: Lamoure J, Stovel J. Neuromyelitis Optica :Interfacing Psychiatry, Psychology, Pathophysiology and Treatment. Presented at London Victoria Hospital, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds.  March 22,2013

Olanzapine Intramuscular, Safety and Tolerability

Citation: Lamoure, J., Rudnick, A.  A retrospective case report series of patients (post-marketing) receiving olanzapine intramuscular (IM) outside of product monograph does and indications: Assessing safety and tolerability. Clinical Medicine Insights:Psychiatry 2011(3):1-16. DOI: 10.4137/CMPsy.S6550; Lamoure, JW., Rudnick, A. (Poster Abstract) A retrospective case report series of patients (post-marketing) receiving olanzapine intramuscular (IM) outside of product monograph does and indications: Assessing safety and tolerability. UWO Psychiatry Research Day June 18, 2009; Lamoure, JW., Rudnick, A. (Poster Abstract) A retrospective case report series of patients (post-marketing) receiving olanzapine intramuscular (IM) outside of product monograph does and indications: Assessing safety and tolerability. RMHC Research Day May 13, 2009

Pain Management, Pitfalls in Therapy and Optimizing Patient Management

Coming Soon June 2013: Citation: Lamoure J, Stovel J, Sanghera N. Optimizing Pain Management. Pharmacy Practice 2013 June: 29 (3); pp. xx-xx

Pharmacovigilance, Adverse Drug Reactions vs. Brand Switches

Citations: Lamoure J. Adverse Drug Reporting- Bioequivalence vs. Interchangeability on Response in Psychiatry. (Oral Poster Abstract) SCNP 53rd Annual Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark.  Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2012; 24 (Suppl 1) : 1-42; Lamoure J, Stovel J., Milovanovic D., Huynh T., Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions by Community Pharmacists in Ontario. (Poster). Presented at Canadian Pharmacists' Association 99th Annual Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 30,2011

Serotonin Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Citations: Lamoure J, Stovel J. Serotonin Syndrome: A Perfect Storm. How to Prevent, Recognize and Manage Serotonin Syndrome. Pharmacy Practice. 2011; 27 (2): 22-26,30-31; Stovel J, Lamoure J, Haque A, Bourque I, Barr J, Takhar J. Ziprasidone-Analgesia Induced Serotonin Syndrome (Poster). Canadian Psychiatric Association 60th Annual Conference, Toronto. September 23, 2010; Stovel J, Lamoure J, Barr J, Takhar J. (Poster Abstract) Ziprasidone-Analgesia Induced Serotonin Syndrome. CSHP PPC Toronto January 31,2010

Topiramate Induced Hemiparesis

Citations: Lamoure J, Stovel J, Chandarana P. Topiramate Induced Hemiparesis (Poster). Canadian Psychiatric Association 60th Annual Conference, Toronto. September 23, 2010; Lamoure J, Stovel J, Chandarana P.  Probable Topiramate-Induced Hemiparesis. Cdn J Hospital Pharmacists 2010; 63 (3); 242-244; Lamoure J, Stovel J. (Poster Abstract) Topiramate-Induced Hemiplegia. CSHP PPC Toronto February 1, 2009

Tramadol- Induced Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder

Citation: Willsie C, Lamoure J, Hocke V, Stovel J., Tramadol-Induced Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder. (Poster). Presented at Canadian Psychiatric Association 62nd Annual Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada. September 28,2012



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