Evidence Informed Medicine (EIM) Inc.

                       Clinically Advanced REviews (CARE) 


Director:  Joel Lamoure RPh.,DD., FASCP, OSM (Adjunct Associate Professor)

Professor Joel Lamoure is a multiple national and international award-winning Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry (SSMD), and Assistant Director of CME-Department of Psychiatry, Western University and Teaching Associate, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. In his hospital clinical practice, he has served as a Medical-Surgical-Neuro ICU pharmacist and consult liaison psychiatric pharmacist at London Health Sciences Center, University Hospital. On the research side of the bench, Prof. Lamoure is an Associate Scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute, affiliated with the London Hospitals. He is an Accreditor with Accreditation Canada specializing in medication management, critical care, mental health with interests in infection control, ambulatory care and aboriginal health. He also serves as a Civilian Instructor with the RC(Air)CS 201. Professor Lamoure is the Canadian Section Chief for medical bioethics in undergraduate medical education to the Chair, Haifa University associated with UNESCO and the United Nations.

There are almost a dozen Pharmacist Ask The Expert publications on Medscape written by Professor Lamoure. Starting in December 2008, Joel took over as the Medical Psychiatry Consultant expert for the Canadian Journal of CME and Pharmacy Mental Health expert for Pharmacy Gateway (Canadian Healthcare Network). He has recently been inducted into membership with the European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP).

He has won the Western Teaching Roll of Honour in Medicine for 6 academic years, the most recent being the 2011-2012 academic year. Joel has also won the UWO CME Award in Medicine for 2007 and the University Of Toronto Teaching Award in 2006.

Joel was awarded a Fellowship in the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (Geriatrics) in 2000, and completed his D.D. in 2011. Other education includes the British Institute of Homeopathy (DHPh) Diploma program and diplomas in Adult Psychology(Hons), Police Sciences (Hons) and Child Psychology (Hons). In his field of studies in Police Sciences, he centered and excelled in the world of Narcotic Investigation and Controls. 

Areas of interest and research include medical conditions that overlap and augment the severity of psychiatric disorders, critical care medicine, evidence-informed medicine, patient care deliverable models, medical metaphysics and impacts of alternative treatments and psychopharmacology. Professor Lamoure has been working to advance EIM since 2008, during his time with Medscape USA, and as a medical Peer Reviewer with Libertas Academica based in New Zealand and is a founding authour for Current Medicine Insights:Psychiatry (CMI:Psy) through Libertas Academica and maintains the website www.joelwlamoure.com Joel has published over 140 journal papers, poster abstracts, methodologies of practice, consultant reviews and 3 books on mental health medications and their impact to the patient and their quality and quantity of life.

Professor Lamoure is a listee in numerous publications recognizing his work including the Canadian Book of Who’s Who (2008, 2009, 2010 Centennial Ed, 2011 editions), and the prestigious referenced Marquis Book of "Who’s Who in Medicine in the World" (7th, 8th, and 9th International editions starting in 2009, Marquis Book of "Who's Who in the World" for 2011 and 2012 and the Marquis Book of "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" for the 2011-2012 edition.

Contact: director@eim-care.org OR joel.lamoure@eim-care.org

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